Waste sorting regulations

Quiz of the day By 2025, how many waste streams will we have to sort? The answer in the article! 👇 ACCESS OUR CHANNEL HANDLING SKIPS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Youtube Linkedin Envelope Mandatory sorting: from 5 to 8 streams Since the decree of July 16, 2021, any producer or holder of waste (paper/cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, wood) is obliged to sort it. From January1, 2022, this ” Decree 5 flows ” has been extended to the ” Decree 7 flows ” by including 2 new waste families : Plaster Mineral fraction waste (concrete, brick, rubble, tile, slate, etc.) In 2025, we will switch to the ” Decree 8 streams ” with textile waste. Sorting and collection methods Waste must be sorted into 8 different skips by the producer. In order to ensure traceability of flows, the collection service provider will provide an annual collection and recovery certificate mentioning : Nature and quantity of waste collected The place where waste is recycled This certificate must be submitted between January1 and March 31 of the current year for waste treated and collected in the previous year. Risks of non-compliance The competent authority (Mayor, President of the EPCI or Prefect) can order an audit by an independent expert to prove non-compliance with source separation obligations. It must be completed within two months of the authorities’ request, and sent within 15 days of completion. If the audit reveals shortcomings : Individuals are liable to an administrative fine of up to €1,500. For legal entities, the fine can be as high as €7,500 per tonne of product concerned. Discover examples of skips for every type of waste: – Paper/cardboard SB80 – Tipping trailer for flat waste – Plastic SB33 – Tipper body on central pivot – Metal : SB2R – Reinforced low tipping body – Wood SB2 – Low tipping body – Glass : SB30RV – Reinforced body on central pivot for glass – Gypsum : SB3R – heavy-duty tipper body – Mineral fraction waste : SB200 Reinforced skip with progressive emptying – Textile waste : SB1 – Low tipping body – Economy range